PURPOSE. To elucidate a noninvasive method to qualify and identify cultured human corneal endothelial cells (cHCECs) devoid of cell-state transition and adaptable for cell-based therapy.METHODS. The variations of cHCECs in their composition of heterogeneous subpopulations (SPs) were verified in relation to their surface cluster-of-differentiation (CD) markers and their morphology. The profiles of microRNA (miRNA) in cultured cells or supernatants were detected by 3D-Gene Human microRNA Chips (Toray Industries, Inc.). The profiles were also analyzed for fresh corneal tissues with distinct endothelial cell densities (ECD) with or without gutatta. To validate the 3D-Gene results, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed. RNAs were extracted from cHCECs transfected with selected miRNA, and target genes were presumed by PCR array (Qiagen).RESULTS. Among a variety of morphologically different cHCECs, miRNA expression profiles were distinctively revealed. The one miRNA capable of discriminating CD44 À SP from SPs with CD44 þþ~C D44 þþþ phenotypes was identified as miR34a. The downregulation of miRNAs in the 378 family paralleled the upregulation of surface CD44 on cHCECs. Interestingly, upregulated miRNAs in the 378 family in corneal endothelium dramatically decreased in the tissues with lower ECD with advanced gutatta, providing new insight on the pathogenesis of Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy.
CONCLUSIONS. The specified cultured SPs sharing the CD44À surface phenotypes with matured HCECs showed the highest expression of miR-378. Conversely, SPs with upregulated CD44 þþþ showed a reduction of miR-378. Thus, miRNA in cultured cells may serve as an alternative method to qualify cHCECs.Keywords: heterogeneity of cultured corneal endothelial cells, CD44, miR, gutatta, epithelium-mesenchymal transition (EMT) A lthough human corneal endothelial cells (HCECs) have the ability to proliferate in vitro, 1 culturing HCECs for an extended period of time is known to be extremely difficult.2 To date, most researchers have conceptualized cultured HCECs (cHCECs) only from the aspect that they are derived from corneal endothelium tissue, and disregarded details pertaining to the refinement of the biochemical features. In fact, cHCECs are known to be heterogeneous from culture to culture in their morphology and in their surface markers, such as cluster-ofdifferentiation (CD) antigens.3-5 Studies, either directly or indirectly, and including those from Joyce et al., [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] have shown that heterogeneity is present in HCEC cultures. Of particular and striking interest is the finding by Miyai et al.3 of the presence of frequent chromosomal aneuploidy in cHCECs, directly indicating the presence of heterogeneous subpopulations (SPs) with or without aneuploidy.Cultured HCECs have an inclination toward cell-state transition (CST) into a senescence phenotype, epitheliummesenchymal transition (EMT), and fibroblastic cell morphology. In addition, the plasticity of metabolic profiles of cH...