A methodology considering Chaboche's isotropic-kinematic hardening (CIKH) model and genetic algorithm optimization technique is examined here to simulate the cyclic-plastic response for materials exhibiting cyclic hardening or softening behavior. The aim of the present report is to illustrate the inherent potential of this approach by assessing the closeness of fit of the obtained predictions to the experimental results for several materials like Z2CND18.12N, and 25CDV4.11 steels, OFHC copper, and INCONEL718 alloy. The obtained results were further subjected to comparative examinations with the available predictions to demonstrate the adoptability of the suggested methodology for the cyclic hardening or softening materials. This proposed approach provides a single set of CIKH model parameters to replicate the stabilized hysteresis loops and cyclic hardening or softening behavior under symmetric strain-controlled loading, as well as ratcheting characteristics under asymmetric stresscontrolled cycling, and is thus generalized in nature.