We propose and analyze an on-chip all-optical dynamical tuning scheme for coupled nonlinear resonators employing a single control beam injected in parallel with a signal beam. We show that nonlinear Kerr response can be used to dynamically switch the spectral properties between "dark-state" and electromagnetically-induced transparency configurations. Such scheme can be realized in integrated optical applications for pulse trapping and delaying. New approaches for optical pulse control in photonic structures employ an analogy with the coherence phenomena in quantum-mechanical systems. In particular, electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) is attributed to destructive quantum interference with a narrow transparent window in the absorption spectrum. In optics, coherent interference of the resonant modes of coupled optical cavities can exhibit EIT-like transmission and QM-like phenomena at room temperature [1], thus relaxing the bandwidth and de-coherence constraints of QM. Recently, several studies have shown that dynamically tuning a system of two coupled micro-ring into and out of a "dark-state"can facilitate all-optical trapping and releasing of optical pulses [2,3].Various experimental approaches for tuning the resonator frequencies have been developed to suit particular material platforms. In Si structures, out-of-plane optical pump was used for carrier excitation [2,3] or thermal heating [4]. Electro-optic control with integrated p-i-n junctions [5] and metal film heaters [6] have also been demonstrated. In AlGaAs structures [7], thermal and two-photon absorption effects have been utilized for optical signal processing. However, it remains an open question how to realize fully all-optical scheme for dynamic switching of "dark-state" in coupled microring resonators, where the signal and control pulses can propagate within the photonic chip.In this Letter we present a new all-optical approach for tuning coupled microring resonators with Kerr nonlinearity, using a strong control beam launched into the photonic structure in parallel with the signal beam. In particular, we demonstrate switching the spectral properties between a "dark-state" and EIT-like states. The realization of such tunability opens a way for fully onchip trapping, releasing, and delaying of signal optical pulses. Our approach can be realized, in particular, with the chalcogenide glass platform [8] or in AlGaAs structures at the telecom spectral range [9], whereas nonlinear losses in Si platform can also be suppressed if the pump is tuned to longer wavelengths to avoid two-photon ab- We consider a coupled resonator configuration consisting of two microrings side coupled to two waveguides, see Fig. 1. In general, R 1 = R 2 . Although optical tuning and switching in such photonic structures has been studied [2, 3], we suggest here a different approach, where the signal and control (pump) beams are launched into the lower and upper waveguides, respectively. This scheme is also different from the configuration where the pump and signal are la...