Human inter-A-inhibitor (IAI) is a plasma serine-proteinase inhibitor. It consists of three polypeptide chains covalently linked by a glycosaminoglycan : a light one named bikunin, carrying the antiproteinase activity and two heavy chains H1 and H2. The amino acid sequences of these heavy chains are highly similar; however when IAI is digested by neutrophil proteinases, their proteolytic susceptibility strongly differs [Balduyck, M., Piva, F., Mizon, C., Maes, P., Malki, N., Gressier, B., Michalski, C. & Mizon, J. (1993) Human leucocyte elastase (HLE) preferentially cleaves the heavy chain H2 of inter-A-trypsin inhibitor (ITI), Biol. Chem. 895Ϫ901].We mapped the disulphide topology of the IAI heavy chains in order to investigate whether or not disulphide bonds might be responsible for their differential susceptibility to proteolysis. Using amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry analysis, we demonstrate that the H1 heavy chain contains one free thiol group and two disulphide bridges of which one links two largely spaced cysteine residues (Cys239 and Cys511). Thus H1 is clearly different from H2 which contains two disulphide bonds between closely located cysteine residues. However, using immunoprint analysis, we show that, when IAI is subjected to a limited digestion by Staphylococcus aureus V-8 proteinase, the two polypeptide chains are similarly susceptible to proteolysis. This enzyme preferentially cleaves the IAI heavy chains from their N-terminal extremity. These results are consistent with the circular dichroism (CD) analysis, suggesting that the conformation of the polypeptide backbone of H1 is not very different from that of H2, with calculated A-helicities of 24% and 28%, respectively. The CD measurements reveal that the aromatic amino acids of H1 and H2 are in a different asymmetrical environment.Inside the IAI molecule, the heavy chains are linked to the glycosaminoglycan chain via their Cterminal aspartic acid residue. Thus we suggest that the affinity of cationic neutrophil proteinases for the anionic glycosaminoglycan is responsible for the cleavage of the heavy chains (mainly H2) near their Cterminal end and the high susceptibility of IAI to these proteinases.Keywords : inter-A-inhibitor; heavy chain; disulfide bond; proteolysis.Inter-A-inhibitor (IAI) is a serine-proteinase inhibitor found that this molecule which is unusually sensitive to proteinases released by triggered neutrophils, would be partially cleaved in in mammalian plasma. IAI is a complex of three different polyacquired diseases in which there is a systemic proteolysis. Thus peptide chains : the first one named bikunin (m ϭ 26000) is a IAI would be converted into smaller size derivatives able to double-headed Künitz-type inhibitor carrying the antiproteinase reach various tissues where they exert their physiological activactivity of IAI. The two other polypeptide chains exhibit higher ity: proteinase inhibition but also for instance modulation of cell molecular masses, near 80 000 Da. For human IAI, they are desproliferation [3]...