1 The influence of ,I-, /2-, and f3-adrenoceptor agonists and of CGP 12177 and cyanopindolol on heart rate and diastolic blood pressure was studied in the pithed rat.2 The /3-adrenoceptor agonist, prenalterol, increased heart rate and the #2-adrenoceptor agonist, fenoterol, caused a fall in blood pressure. The effect of prenalterol was antagonized by the /,Badrenoceptor antagonist, CGP 20712 0.1 Mmol kg-' and the action of fenoterol was attenuated by the /32-adrenoceptor antagonist, ICI 118551 0.1 jimol kg-'. Both effects were markedly diminished by the non-selective f-adrenoceptor antagonist, bupranolol 0.1 umol kg-'.3 The non-selective ,B-adrenoceptor agonist, isoprenaline, three /3-agonists as well as CGP 12177 and cyanopindolol elicited a positive chronotropic effect, exhibiting the following pEDA60 values (negative log values of the doses increasing heart rate by 60 beats min-'): isoprenaline 10.4, CGP 12177 8.3, cyanopindolol 7.2, BRL 37344 6.9, ZD 2079 5.2 and CL 316243<5. Ih-, /2-, P3-, a,-adrenoceptors or 5-HT2A receptors. This effect may involve atypical P-adrenoceptors, similar or identical to those described by Kaumann (1989) in isolated heart preparations.