Introduction: Ferulago angulata from the Apiaceae family, has high flavonoid content and is detected to have anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects. Objectives: In this study, we sought to determine the components of essential oil and to estimate total phenol and flavonoid contents of its various extracts. We also aimed to find out the anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of essential oil, hydro-alcoholic and phenolic extracts of F. angulata aerial parts. Materials and Methods: The plant’s essential oil and extracts were prepared according to standard methods. Acetic acid, hot plate and formalin tests were used to investigate anti-nociceptive effects. Additionally, carrageenan and croton oil tests were used to evaluate anti-inflammatory effects. Results: Ferulago angulata aerial parts yielded 0.2% (v/w) yellowish essential oil. The gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of essential oil identified 82 compounds, which represented 98.9% of the essential oil. Thymol (7.9%), spathulenol (6.5%), trans-anethol (6.4%), myristicin (5.1%) and alpha-pinene (4.5%) were the main components. In acetic acid and formalin tests, the essential oil, hydro-alcoholic and phenolic extracts showed significant anti-nociceptive effects (P<0.001). In hot plate test, morphine which was used as standard drug, revealed significant anti-nociceptive effect while the plant extracts and essential oil were ineffective. High dose of the extracts and essential oil in croton oil test (P<0.001) and high dose of hydro-alcoholic and phenolic extracts in carrageenan test (P<0.05) reduced the inflammation. Conclusion: Ferulago angulata extracts and essential oil have anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects. However, further studies are needed to clarify their mechanism of actions.