Recent technology implementation in learning has inspired language educators to employ various e-learning techniques, strategies, and applications in their pedagogical practices while aiming at improving specific learning efficiencies of students. The current study attempts to blend e-learning activities, including blogging, video making, online exercises, and digital storyboarding, with English language teaching and explores its impact on engineering cohorts at a public university in Malaysia. The longitudinal research study used three digital applications—Voyant Tools, Lumos Text Complexity Analyzer, and Advanced Text Analyzer—to analyze the data collected through a variety of digital assignments and activities from two English language courses during the researched academic semesters. Contributing to the available literature on the significance of integrating technology innovation with language learning, the study found that implementing e-learning activities can provide substantial insights into improving the learners’ different linguistic competencies, including writing competency, reading comprehension, and vocabulary enhancement. Moreover, the implementation of such innovative technology can motivate students to engage in more peer interactivity, learning engagement, and self-directed learning.