“…Ground-pen e trat ing ra dar (GPR; e.g., Vandenberghe and Van Overmeeren, 1999;Kostic and Aigner, 2007;Schrott and Sass, 2008;S³owik, 2011;Dara et al, 2019), elec tro mag netic in duc tion (EMI; e.g., Conyers et al, 2008;De Smedt et al, 2011;Rejiba et al, 2018), and also elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog -ra phy (ERT; e.g., Baines et al, 2002;Giocoli et al, 2008;Cham bers et al, 2012;Torrese et al, 2013;Rey et al, 2013;Matys Grygar et al, 2016;Bábek et al, 2018;Hošek et al, 2018;Akinbiyi et al, 2019) are ef fec tive non-in va sive geo phys ical meth ods, widely used (in re cent times) to in ves ti gate as well as de ter mine the subsurface char ac ter iza tion of di verse de posits of flu vial or i gin. In par tic u lar, the lat est geo phys i cal method, i.e., ERT be long ing to the di rect cur rent (DC) re sis tiv ity methods, is ef fec tive in the rec og ni tion of un con sol i dated de pos its due to the fact that they re veal sig nif i cant vari a tion in elec tri cal re sis tiv ity.…”