Bacterial chemoreceptors mediate chemotaxis by recognizing specific chemicals and regulating a noncovalently associated histidine kinase. Ligand binding to the external domain of the membranespanning receptor generates a transmembrane signal that modulates kinase activity inside the cell. This transmembrane signaling is being investigated by novel strategies, which have revealed a remarkably subtle conformational signal carried by a signaling helix that spans the entire length of the >350-Å-long receptor. Multiple, independent lines of evidence indicate that, in the periplasmic and transmembrane domains, conformational signaling is a piston-type sliding of the signaling helix towards the cytoplasm.Like other motile bacteria, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium respond to chemical gradients by moving towards higher concentrations of attractants and lower concentrations of repellents (reviewed in Refs [1][2][3][4] ). This behavior, termed chemotaxis, is mediated by a dedicated sensory system comprising transmembrane chemoreceptors, histidine and aspartate kinases, an SH3-like coupling protein, and two enzymes that mediate sensory adaptation by covalently modifying the chemoreceptors (Box 1). Homologs of these sensory components occur in virtually every motile bacterium or archaeon investigated to date, making this type of sensory pathway one of the most prevalent in nature. It is likely that the homologous components possess conserved molecular mechanisms. For example, chemoreceptors are expected to share similar mechanisms of transmembrane signaling.Chemoreceptors are stable homodimers both in the absence and presence of ligands 5 . Each homodimer is an elongated helical bundle thought to be oriented normal to the membrane ( Fig. 1) [6][7][8][9][10][11] . The periplasmic domain consists of eight helices arranged in two symmetric four-helix bundles, one per subunit (helices α1-α4, α1′-α4′). Two helices from each subunit span the bilayer, where they form a transmembrane four-helix bundle (helices TM1, TM2, TM1′, TM2′). The cytoplasmic domain is a distinct four-helix bundle, formed by association of two helical hairpins, one per subunit (helices CD1, CD2, CD1′, CD2′). One helix in each subunit extends the entire length of the structure (helix α4/TM2/linker/CD1), connecting the ligand-binding site at the membrane-distal end of the periplasmic domain with the kinase-interaction region at the opposite end of the receptor. The only major region that has not yet been shown experimentally to be helical is the conserved linker connecting the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains 12 but, regardless of its structure, the linker is stably folded and thus can communicate signals between receptor domains 13 .The first step in signal transduction is the binding of attractant or attractant-occupied binding protein to the periplasmic domain at one of two interfacial sites between the two symmetric four-helix bundles. Much evidence (summarized below) indicates that attractant binding sends a conformational signal ...