We report on the first theoretical investigation of M F -dependent lifetimes due to interference between a magnetic octupole transition and a hyperfine induced electric quadrupole transition. Extensive multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations are used to model the hyperfine quenching of the magnetic octupole decay of 3d 9 4s were reported also in [11]. The measured lifetimes in the latter two cases, 8:2 2:0 ms and 4:3 3:6 ms, respectively, have larger error bars. These measurements are more than 60% shorter than what has so far been predicted by theory [12,13]. We suggest that these discrepancies are due to the hyperfine induced state mixing between the 3 D 3 and 3 D 2 levels, opening a new decay process. We also propose for the first time that the interference between the M3 transition and the hyperfine induced E2 transition results in lifetimes which are dependent on the magnetic quantum number of the initial level. Our arguments are supported by large-scale MCDF calculations and by simulations of the resulting complex 3 D 3 decay by oneexponential fitting. The basic ideas behind hyperfine quenching is that in the presence of a nuclear spin I, an additional hyperfine operator H hpf is introduced into the otherwise electronic Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian commutes with the total angular moment F J I and F z , instead of the total electronic angular moment J and J z . This hyperfine interaction therefore not only splits J levels, but also introduces a wave function mixing between levels of different J [14]. An experimental indication of hyperfine quenching was reported by Gould et al. [15]. The mixing can be represented as j"ÿJIF"i jÿwhere ÿ denotes all other quantum numbers needed to completely specify the state, and the main contribution represents the ''pure'' state jÿ 0 J 0 IFi, in the absence of the hyperfine interaction. According to first order perturbation theory, the mixing coefficient can be computed asFIG. 1. Schemes of the ground level 3d 10 1 S 0 and first excited levels 3d 9 4s 1;3 D in Ni-like ions. The main decays involved are also given. LS term designation is used.