Purpose The success of any research process relies, in part, on how well investigators are able to translate a clinical problem into a research question-a task that is not so simple for novice investigators. The PICOT approach requires that the framing of the research question specify the target Population, the Intervention of interest, the Comparator intervention, key Outcomes, and the Time frame over which the outcomes are assessed. This paper describes the use of the PICOT structure in framing research questions and examines PICOT criteria as applied to the anesthesia literature. We also provide a roadmap for applying the PICOT format in identifying and framing clear research questions. Methods In addition to searching MEDLINE for the literature on framing research questions, we performed a systematic review of articles published in four key anesthesia journals in 2006, including Anesthesiology, Anesthesia & Analgesia, the British Journal of Anaesthesia, and the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. Results Three hundred thirteen articles (n = 313) were included in this review, with the following distribution by study design: 139 (44%) randomized controlled trials, 129 (41%) cohort studies, and 45 (15%) case-controlled, crosssectional studies or systematic reviews. Overall, 96% (95% confidence interval: 91,100) of articles did not apply the PICOT approach in reporting the research question. Conclusions The PICOT approach may be helpful in defining and clearly stating the research question. It remains to be determined whether or not compliance with the PICOT style, or any other format for framing research questions, is associated with a higher quality of research reporting.
RésuméObjectif La re´ussite de tout processus de recherche s'appuie en partie sur la capacite´des chercheurs a`traduire un proble`me clinique en question de recherche, une taˆche ardue pour les chercheurs de´butants. L'approche PICOT exige que la formulation de la question de recherche spe´cifie la Population cible, l'Intervention al 'e´tude, l'intervention de Comparaison, les devenirs cle´s (Outcomes) et un cadre Temporel au cours duquel les devenirs sont e´value´s. Cet article de´crit l'utilisation de la structure PICOT dans la formulation des questions de recherche et examine les crite`res PICOT lorsqu'ils sont applique´s à la litte´rature en anesthe´sie. Nous fournissons e´galement une feuille de route visant a`l'application du format PICOT pour identifier et formuler des questions de recherche claires. Méthode En plus de recherches sur MEDLINE pour trouver la litte´rature touchant a`la formulation de questions de recherche, nous avons effectue´une re´vision