treatment with griseofulvin (GF) or 3,5-diethoxycarbonylMallory bodies (MBs) are characteristic morphological 1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC). 2,3 Morphological, immunological, features of alcoholic hepatitis and are also found in and biochemical characterization revealed that keratins, other chronic liver disorders and hepatocellular neohigh-molecular-weight and poorly soluble non-keratin complasms. MBs can be produced in mouse liver by chronic ponents, and tau-like proteins are major constituents of administration of the porphyrinogenic drugs griseofulMBs. [4][5][6][7][8][9] It has also been shown that transglutaminase-invin (GF) and 3,5-diethoxy-carbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine duced glutamyl-lysine crosslinks and ubiquitin are involved (DDC). The mechanisms causing the formation of MBs in MB formation. [10][11][12] Moreover, immunofluorescence microsare poorly understood, and the significance of MB forcopy revealed that formation of MBs is accompanied by demation during the course of liver disease remains unrangement and even loss of the keratin intermediate filament clear. We investigated the relationship between the mechanisms underlying the formation of MBs and the (KIF) cytoskeleton in hepatocytes. 6,8,13 MB-containing heparegulation of multidrug resistance (mdr) genes and their tocytes seem to be viable, and no fundamental differences in products, the P-glycoproteins (Pgp). Immunofluores-the metabolic functions between these cells and morphologicence microscopy using the monoclonal antibody C219 cally normal-appearing hepatocytes have been demonrevealed an increase of Pgp expression in almost all he-strated, at least on the basis of histochemical staining for patocytes after 3 to 8 days of feeding mice DDC-and GF-several key enzymes. 13,14 The mechanisms of MB formation containing diets. However, after approximately 4 weeks are poorly understood, and the significance of MB-containing of DDC and approximately 8 weeks of GF feeding, when cells in many chronic liver diseases remains a mystery. the first small MBs appeared and loosening and diminuTo further define the mechanisms of MB formation and to tion of keratin intermediate filament (KIF) cytoskeleton detect functional differences between morphologically altered occurred in some hepatocytes, a decrease or loss of Pgp and normal hepatocytes, we investigated whether the prodstaining in affected hepatocytes was observed. After ucts of the multidrug resistance (mdr) genes, P-glycoproteins feeding mice DDC for 6 weeks and GF for 12 weeks, many (Pgp), are altered in DDC-and GF-treated mouse livers in hepatocytes contained MBs and displayed a disruption relation to the formation of MBs. The decision to choose the of the immunohistochemically demonstrable KIF mesh-Pgp was prompted by the fact that several xenobiotics and work. Double immunofluorescence microscopy with the carcinogens, as well as mechanically and chemically induced keratin polyclonal antibody and the mab C219 at this cholestasis, have been previously shown to induce the exprestime point revealed a com...