The structure and morphology of coarse-scale globular and smaller spheroidal particles in an isothermally aged Al-10Mg-0.5Ag (mass%) alloy have been charcterised by means of transmission electron microscopy. Coarse-scale globular and smaller spheroidal particles were commonly observed in an over-aged sample aged for 72 h at 240 C. The coarse-scale globular and smaller spheroidal particles were identified by electron microdiffraction to have the face-centered cubic structure of equilibrium phase (Al 3 Mg 2 ) (lattice parameter a ¼ 2:824 nm). The orientation relationship between the phase and -Al matrix was such that: ð100Þ == ð100Þ and ½001 == ½001 . This orientation relationship differs from those reported previously for the phase formed in binary Al-Mg alloys. The coarse-scale globular particles had invariably internal faulted structures.