Recent low-temperature laboratory measurements and astronomical observations have proved that the fullerene cation + C 60 is responsible for four diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs). These absorptions correspond to the strongest bands of the lowest electronic transition. The gas phase spectrum below 10 K is reported here for the full wavelength range encompassed by the electronic transition. The absorption spectrum of + C 70 , with its origin band at Å 7959.2 , has been obtained under similar laboratory conditions. Observations made toward the reddened star HD 183143 were used in a specific search for the absorption of these fullerene cations in diffuse clouds. In the case of + C 60 , one further band in the astronomical spectrum at Å 9348.5 is identified, increasing the total number of assigned DIBs to five. Numerous other + C 60 absorptions in the laboratory spectrum are found to lie below the astronomical detection limit. Special emphasis is placed on the laboratory determination of absolute absorption cross-sections. For + C 60 this directly yields a column density, ( ) + N C 60 , of´-2 10 cm 13 2 in diffuse clouds, without the need to rely on theoretical oscillator strengths. The intensity of the + C 70 electronic transition in the range 7000-8000 Å is spread over many features of similar strength. Absorption cross-section measurements indicate that even for a similar column density, the individual absorption bands of + C 70 will be too weak to be detected in the astronomical spectra, which is confirmed giving an upper limit of 2 mÅ to the equivalent width.