Amorphophallus is a genus of Araceae with 170 species distributed throughout the world, 25 species grow in Indonesia and 18 are endemic. Tarlola Village is one of the habitats of Amorphophallus beccarii. This research aims to analyze the distribution of Cindings and structure of A. beccarii in Tarlola Village and analyze the association of A. beccarii with other plants. The A. beccarii habitat study was carried out using the Nested method with a plot area of 1 ha and a square shape taken from the A. beccarii plot. The data taken is regional vegetation, including tree vegetation calculated on 1 ha plots, pole vegetation on 0.25 ha plots, sapling vegetation on 0.0625 ha plots, and seedling and understory vegetation calculated on 0.01 ha plots. Based on the research results, it was found that there were 30 A. beccarii individuals. The highest Important Value Index (IVI) was obtained at the understorey level with Selaginella deoderleinii 57.39%. The association results found at the lower plant level were 13 species with positive associations and 15 species with negative associations, at the seedling level there were 12 species with positive associations and 14 species with negative associations, at the sapling level there were 12 species with positive associations and 19 species with negative associations, at the pole level there were 9 species. positively associated and 15 negatively associated species, at tree level there are 14 positively associated species and 9 negatively associated species.