Abstract. The systematics of 7-decay modes and radiative widths of highly excited states in 28Si has been extended by taking 7-ray spectra on 60 resonances of the 27Al(p, 7) reaction in the range 1097keV_< E,_< 4492keV (12643 keV _< Ex _< 15915 keV) and on the 24Mg(e,7) resonances at E~ = 3355, 3431, 4003 keV (Ex = 12860, 12925, 13415 keV). The y-decay modes of levels in the sub-resonance region (Ex = 10-12.5 MeV) were studied with both the 27Al(p, 7) reaction and the 27Al(d, nT) reaction at Ee = 4, 5, 6 MeV. Information on radiative widths of levels was obtained by measuring the resonance strengths S 7 = (2I + 1)FpF~fF for 52 resonances of the 27Al(p, 7) reaction with an emphasis on prospective T = 1 states.