Cardinal temperatures for mycelial growth of Phytophthora porri on corn-meal agar were <5 (minimum), 15-20 (optimum) and just above 25 ~ (maximum). The number of infections after zoospore inoculation of young leaf plants was relatively low at supra-optimal temperatures, but was not affected by sub-optimal temperatures. Even at 0 ~ plants were infected. The incubation periods needed for symptom formation were 36-57 d at 0 ~ 13-18 d at 5 ~ and 4-11 d at > 11 ~ and were fitted to temperature between 0 and 24 ~ with a hyperbolical model (1/p = 0.00812"T + 0.0243). Oospore germination, reported for the first time for P. porri, was strongly reduced after 5 h at 45 ~ and totally absent after 5 h at 55 ~ Soil solarization for six weeks during an exceptionally warm period in