Canto AM. Imunonhistochemical analysis of BRAF V600E mutation in ameloblastomas [Dissertation]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia; 2017. Versão Original.Ameloblastoma is an aggressive odontogenic tumour, being locally invasive and highly recurrent. Studies have demonstrated that it is the most common benign odontogenic neoplasia, sometimes exhibiting behaviour of malignant lesions.Detection of BRAF V600E mutation has been shown to be one of the main proliferation pathways of ameloblastomas. Therefore, the identification of these markers can be useful to elaborate more efficient treatment strategies for this pathology as well as to improve the patient's quality of life. This study investigated the BRAF V600E mutation in mandible ameloblastomas by using the were male (52.38%) and 40 female (47.62%). The median age was 25.5 years old, with 42 cases having age below the median (50%) and 42 above it (50%). With regard to the presence or absence of BRAF V600E mutation, 66 cases were found to be positive for the marker (78.57%) and 18 were negative (21.43%). The correlation between BRAF expression and variables showed statistical significances for mandibular location (P = 0.0353) and tumour size (P = 0.008), whereas no statistical significance was observed for gender (P = 0.969), age (P = 1.0), radiographic aspect (P = 0.977), histological pattern (P = 0.910), histological subtype (P = 0.5141) and tumour status (P = 0.336). The authors concluded that BRAF V600E mutation is common in mandibular ameloblastomas, with tumours larger than four cm being more frequent in the posterior region of the mandible. In addition, this pathology occurs regardless of histological type of the tumour, age, gender, radiographic aspect and tumour status.