Highlights for reviews [a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight] 13(1) Spatial and temporal variabilities of streamflow in the YR are investigated. 14 (2) Periodic changes of the streamflow are identified at 500-, 100-, and 50-year timescales. 15 (3) Periodicities are continuous at spatial scale and short timescales. 16 (4) Strong connection with the Niño 3.4, the AO, and sunspots. 17 18 2 Abstract: Water scarcity in the Yellow River, China, has become increasingly severe over the past 19 half century. In this paper, wavelet transform analysis was used to detect the variability of natural, 20 observed, and reconstructed streamflow in the Yellow River at 500-, 100-, and 50-year timescales. 21The periodicity of the streamflow series and the co-varying relationships between streamflow and 22 atmospheric circulation indices / sunspot number were assessed by means of continuous wavelet 23 transform (CWT) and wavelet coherence transform (WTC) analyses. The CWT results showed 24 intermittent oscillations in streamflow with increasing periodicities of 1-6 years at all timescales.