All molecular species in an organism are connected physically and functionally to other molecules. In evolving systems, it is not obvious to what extent functional properties of a protein can change to selective advantage and leave intact favorable traits previously acquired. This uncertainty has particular significance in the evolution of novel pathways for detoxication, because an organism challenged with new xenobiotics in the environment may still require biotransformation of previously encountered toxins. Positive selection has been proposed as an evolutionary mechanism for facile adaptive responses of proteins to changing conditions. Here, we show, by saturation mutagenesis, that mutations of a hypervariable residue in human glutathione transferase M2-2 can differentially change the enzyme's substrateactivity profile with alternative substrates and, furthermore, enable or disable dissimilar chemical reactions. Crystal structures demonstrate that activity with epoxides is enabled through removal of steric hindrance from a methyl group, whereas activities with an orthoquinone and a nitroso donor are maintained in the variant enzymes. Given the diversity of cellular activities in which a single protein can be engaged, the selective transmutation of functional properties has general significance in molecular evolution.enabling alternative reactions ͉ glutathione transferase ͉ GST ͉ positive selection ͉ saturation mutagenesis T he evolution of protein functions is a multiparameter optimization that is constrained by boundary conditions set by ambient physical conditions, interactions with other molecules, and possible alternative functions. Expressivity of the cognate gene in the ribosomal translation system and solubility and stability of the protein in the cellular milieu are obvious restrictions. Furthermore, it is estimated that Ͼ50% of the human genes undergo alternative splicing (1), and the change in the coding sequence for a protein may jeopardize the function of an alternatively spliced mRNA. These and other limitations attenuate mutational changes that otherwise would be feasible and, presumably, partly explain why molecular structures in biological systems are highly conserved. This study shows how point mutations in a single positively selected position can lead to drastic changes of both substrate selectivities and physical properties of an enzyme and indicates how a protein could rapidly respond in multiple dimensions of functional space, optionally with minimal effects on alternative functions of the protein.GSTs are members of a diverse superfamily of detoxication enzymes. The GSTs have evolved through divergent evolution from a common ancestor, and the enzymes are divided into classes based on similarities in the primary structure (2-4). As detoxication enzymes, GSTs are endowed with broad substrate specificities and functional plasticity. These qualities are valuable in providing the organism with protection against various harmful chemical species but may also be important parameters contribu...