Objectives: To study the role of time study in the emergency department (ED) of an Indian hospital for quality health care. For that, an observational cross-sectional time study was conducted at the casualty department of largest hospitals situated at central India.Methods: Systemic random sampling method is used to select the patients attending the ED. Following parameters and procedure were observed during time study in the casualty department. Patient shifting on bed in ED, patient attending by nursing staff, patient attending and treatment by casualty medical officer (CMO), waiting time for intensivist, diagnostic procedure, waiting time for bed and after the availability of bed, patient was shifted to Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU)/Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/ward.
Results:Waiting times are observed which are of five types such as waiting for ward boy, CMO, intensivist, diagnostic procedure, and for bed in ICCU or ICU or ward.
Conclusion:Result of this time and motion study shows that after the entry of the patient in the ED, he or she is subjected to different kinds of waits like for ward boy, intensivist, diagnostic tests, bed in ICCU or ICU or ward. Out of this, wait for intensivist and for bed are very important for the overall treatment of the patient. The hospital should aim at reducing these waits by proper management. This study focuses scope for the improvements in patient waiting time which is the important contributor of the patient satisfaction.