Silicon carbide has recently surged as an alternative material for scalable and integrated quantum photonics, as it is a host for naturally occurring color centers within its bandgap, emitting from the UV to the IR even at telecom wavelength. Some of these color centers have been proved to be characterized by quantum properties associated with their single-photon emission and their coherent spin state control, which make them ideal for quantum technology, such as quantum communication, computation, quantum sensing, metrology and can constitute the elements of future quantum networks. Due to its outstanding electrical, mechanical, and optical properties which extend to optical nonlinear properties, silicon carbide can also supply a more amenable platform for photonics devices with respect to other wide bandgap semiconductors, being already an unsurpassed material for high power microelectronics. In this review, we will summarize the current findings on this material color centers quantum properties such as quantum emission via optical and electrical excitation, optical spin polarization and coherent spin control and manipulation. Their fabrication methods are also summarized, showing the need for on-demand and nanometric control of the color centers fabrication location in the material. Their current applications in single-photon sources, quantum sensing of strain, magnetic and electric fields, spin-photon interface are also described. Finally, the efforts in the integration of these color centers in photonics devices and their fabrication challenges are described.proved to host these types of color centers, we can now determine that the material has approached the quality needed for quantum applications development.The first bulk material studied for applications in quantum technology is diamond. It was possible to isolate single color centers and determine their role for application in quantum technologies. As an example, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center [10], hosted by the diamond matrix, has become the leading color center in applications such as quantum sensing [11], which is a more achievable application on the road map towards quantum networks. Further, other color centers such as the Germanium vacancy (GeV) [12] and the siliconvacancy (SiV) [13] in diamond proved to have an enormous potential for quantum optical spin-photon interface due to their narrow bandwidth emission [14]. The wide bandgap of the diamond, together with its weak spinorbit coupling and diluted nuclear-spin bath, gives to diamond color centers a remarkable spin coherence, and isotope engineering can enhance it further, due to the possibility of growing highly pure samples [15]. SiC also enjoys most of these properties, and benefits from mature production protocols on a large scale which are available for silicon, excellent nanofabrication quality [16], and capability of ion implantation without the side effects typical of the diamond, such as graphitization during irradiation [17]. However, diamond has some limitations in this respect in...