We observed bound levels of the IЈ state in H 2 and D 2 , confined in the outer well of the lowest 1 ⌸ g adiabatic potential close to its (1sϩ2p) dissociation limit, with an equilibrium internuclear distance of Ϸ8 a.u. Rovibronic levels (vϭ0 -2, Jϭ1 -5 for H 2 and vϭ0 -5, Jϭ1 -6 for D 2 ) are populated with pulsed lasers in resonance enhanced XUVϩIR ͑extreme ultravioletϩinfrared͒ excitation, and probed by a third laser pulse. Level energies are measured with an accuracy of Ϸ0.03 cm Ϫ1 , and are in reasonable agreement with predictions from ab initio calculations in adiabatic approximation; the smallness of ⌳-doublet splitting indicating that nonadiabatic interactions with 1 ⌺ g ϩ states are generally weak. Additional resonances are observed close to the nϭ2 dissociation limit, some of which can be assigned as high vibrational levels of the EF 1 ⌺ g ϩ state.