Accessibility is an increasingly important topic for Ecommerce, especially for individuals with vision problems. To improve their online experience, the design of a voice assistant has been proposed to allow these individuals to browse and shop online more quickly and efficiently. This voice assistant forms an intelligent system that can understand and respond to users’ voice commands. The design considers the visual limitations of the users, such as difficulty reading information on the screen or identifying images. The voice assistant provides detailed product descriptions and ideas in a clear, easy-to-understand voice. In addition, the voice assistant has a series of additional features to improve the shopping experience. For example, the assistant can provide product recommendations based on the user’s previous purchases and information about special promotions and discounts. The main goal of this design is to create an accessible and inclusive online shopping experience for the visually impaired. The voice assistant is based on a conversational user interface, allowing users to easily navigate an eCommerce website, search for products, and make purchases.