RESUMO -São poucas as pesquisas de tolerância de leguminosas de cobertura do solo a herbicidas visando selecionar produtos que sejam seletivos a estas plantas e que apresentem controle satisfatório das plantas daninhas. Com o objetivo avaliar a tolerância de quatro leguminosas a herbicidas, instalou-se um experimento em condições de casa-de-vegetação. As leguminosas sementes das leguminosas Pueraria phaseoloides, Desmodium ovalifolium, Mucuna aterrima e Mucuna cochinchinensis. Os herbicidas aplicados foram 2,4-DB, em pós-emergência, e alachlor, imazaquin e pendimethalin em pré-emergência. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial de 4x4x5x4 com quatro espécies de leguminosas, quatro herbicidas e cinco doses de cada herbicida, respectivamente, repetidos quatro vezes. Aos trinta e seis dias após o plantio a Pueraria phaseoloides mostrou-se tolerante aos herbicidas alachlor e imazaquin e suscetível ao 2,4-DB e pendimethalin. O Desmodium ovalifolium foi suscetível aos herbicidas nas doses usadas, exceto o alachlor. A Mucuna aterrima apresentou tolerância ao alachlor, imazaquin e pendimethalin e foi suscetível ao 2,4-DB. Os herbicidas alachlor e imazaquin não foram fítotóxicos à Mucuna cochinchinensis, enquanto 2,4-DB e pendimethalin causaram severas injúrias.Palavras-chave: Desmodium, Mucuna, Pueraria, Amazônia, seletividade
Tolerance of Soil Cover Legumes to Herbicides.ABSTRACT-There is little research regarding to tolerance of soil cover legumes to herbicides. Products that are selective to these plants and show satisfactory control of harmful plants are still scarce. This paper has the objective to evaluate the tolerance to herbicide of four legume plants. The experiment was installed in a greenhouse. The four legumes were sowed in a 2 kg plastic bag. The substratum was homogenized with two seeds of Pueraria phaseoloides, Desmodium ovalifolium, Mucuna aterrima and Mucuna cochinchinensis. The herbicides applied were 2,4-DB, in post-emergence and alachlor, imazaquin and pendimethalin in pre-emergence. The statistical experimental method used was completely randomized in a factorial experiment (4x4x5x4) with four legume species, four herbicides and five doses of each herbicide with four replications. Thirty six days after sowing, P. phaseoloides showed tolerance to the herbicides alachlor and imazaquin and susceptibility to 2,4-DB and pendimethalin. D. ovalifolium was susceptible to herbicides except the alachlor. M. aterrima showed tolerance to alachlor, imazaquin and pendimethalin and was susceptible to 2,4-DB. The herbicides alachlor and imazaquin were not phytotoxic to M. cochinchinensis. However, severe injury was observed with the use of 2,4-DB and pendimethalin.