“…The MBB cited from Bakhmutov and Hlavatskyi (2014) was placed in the up per part of the re lo cated Martonosha (for mer Lubny) unit cor re lat ing with MIS 17-19 (instead of MIS 13-15), with out any de tailed ex pla na tion for the rea son of the change. As stated be fore in Bakhmutov and Hlavatskyi (2014) and Bakhmutov et al (2017), the MBB has been de fined at the con tact of two soil units -the Lubny and Martonosha ac cord ing to the stra tig ra phy of Gozhik et al (2000Gozhik et al ( , 2007 and Bogucki et al (2013). The lower soil unit is char ac terized by in di vid ual lithopedological prop er ties and oc cu pies a def i nite strati graphic po si tion in the Roksolany sec tion (Gozhik, 1976;Tretyak, 1980Tretyak, , 1983Gozhik et al, 1995Gozhik et al, , 2000Gozhik et al, , 2007Bogucki et al, 2013;Bakhmutov and Hlavatskyi, 2014;Bakhmutov et al, 2017).…”