Cells from the early exponential growth phase of cultures of the methanogenic archaeon Methanococcus vannielii have been shown to contain c. 180 transcripts of the mcrBDCGA (mcr) operon, c. 100 transcripts of the MvaL1,L10,L12 (Mva) operon, c. 8 transcripts of the argG gene and c. 1 transcript of the secY gene. These values decreased to c. 50 mcr transcripts, c. 30 Mva transcripts, c. 3 argG transcripts and < 1 secY transcript per cell as the cultures entered the stationary phase of growth. Addition of bromo-ethanesulphonate (BES) or removal of H2 inhibited growth and RNA synthesis in vivo and, at 37 degrees C in the presence of BES, the half-lives of the mcr, Mva, argG and secY transcripts were found to be 15 min, 30 min, 57 min and 7 min, respectively. Addition of puromycin, pseudomonic acid or virginiamycin also inhibited growth but did not inhibit transcription. In the presence of puromycin the half-lives of the mcr and Mva transcripts increased c. 4.6-fold and c. 3.5-fold, respectively, and there was a net accumulation of the Mva transcript. Addition of pseudomonic acid or virginiamycin also increased the half-life of the Mva transcript and also resulted in the accumulation of a second, shorter Mva transcript but did not increase the half-life of the mcr transcript. Transcription of the mcr operon was not stimulated by partial inhibition of methanogenesis.