MSC Classification: 35R09; 35R30; 35L15; 74J25The paper deals with the reconstruction of the convolution kernel, together with the solution, in a mixed linear evolution system of hyperbolic type. This problem describes uniaxial deformations u of a cylindrical domain (0,π) × Ω, which is filled with a linear viscoelastic solid whose material properties are supposed to be uniform on Ω-sections perpendicular to the x axis. Various types of boundary conditions in [0,T] × {0,π} × Ω are prescribed, whereas Dirichlet conditions are assumed in [0,T] × (0,π) × ∂Ω. To reconstruct both u and k, we suppose of knowing for any time tand any x ∈ (0,π) the flux of the viscoelastic stress vector through the boundary of the Ω-section. The main novelty is that the unknown kernel k is allowed to depend, not only on the time variable t but also on the space variable x.KEYWORDS integro-partial differential equation, inverse problems, initial-boundary value problems for second-order hyperbolic equations, inverse problems in linear viscoelasticity