“…The source and genotypes of yeast strains used in this study are listed in Table 2+ E. coli strains used were DH5a (Bethesda Research Laboratories) and CJ236 (Kunkel et al+, 1987)+ Yeast transformation (Gietz et al+, 1992), media, and genetic procedures have been described (Rose et al+, 1990)+ Strain UMY1698 was generated from CH1305 using plasmid YRp14/ trp1⌬1 (Sikorski & Hieter, 1989)+ Strains UMY1917, UMY2097, and UMY2228 were constructed by replacing the TRM2 gene with a trm2::LEU2 construct in UMY1698, UPX16-11C, and UMY2219 as described previously (Nordlund et al+, 2000)+ Disruption of TRM2 was confirmed by PCR combined with HPLC analysis of nucleosides derived from total tRNA isolated from the disrupted strain+ Strain UMY2380 was constructed by replacing the LHP1 sequence between position Ϫ10 and 710, relative to the A residue in the AUG codon, in strain UMY2220 with a functional URA3 gene+ This was done by PCR-mediated gene disruption (Brachmann et al+, 1998) using oligonucleotides 59-ATGGGTTCTATTTGGTTCTACTG GAACTAAAGTAGCATCTAGATTGTACTGAGAGTGCAC-39 and 59-AAAGGCTTCCAAGTTCTCCTGCAATTCAGGAAT TTGGGAACTGTGCGGTATTTCACACCG-39+ Strains UMY 2527, UMY2526, and UMY2592 were constructed in a similar fashion, replacing the entire PUS4, TRM1, and TRM3 open reading frames with functional TRP1 or URA3 genes+ Disruptions of LHP1, PUS4, TRM1, and TRM3 were confirmed by PCR+ The wild-type sup61 ϩ gene was replaced with mutant alleles in strain UMY2241 (UMY2228 carrying pMJ1005) using the two-step method (Scherer & Davis, 1979)+ To target the mutant sup61 alleles to the correct chromosomal location (Orr-Weaver et al+, 1981) a unique Bgl II site was utilized to linearize the pRS306-sup61 vectors (pMJ1230-1233)+ After integration and selection for 5-FOA R segregants, colonies were screened for a nonsectoring phenotype+ Strains UMY2244, UMY2245, UMY2246, and UMY2247 were isolated by this approach and confirmed by the ability sector when transformed with pRS316-TRM2+ These strains were able to spontaneously lose the TRM2 plasmid at 25 8C generating UMY2258, UMY2259, UMY2260, and UMY2261+ Strains with mutant sup61 alleles were obtained from tetrads from crosses between UMY2220 and UMY2244, UMY2245, UMY2246, and UMY2247+ The progeny showed a 2:2 segregation of the Ts phenotype and strains UMY2254, UMY2255, UMY2256, and UMY2257 were derived from Ts, Leu Ϫ and Trp Ϫ spore colonies+ These strains were confirmed by complementing the Ts phenotype with pRS316-sup61 ϩ + The sup61 lhp1, sup61 pus4, sup61 trm1, and sup61 trm3 strains were obtained from tetrads from crosses between UMY2380, UMY2527, UMY2526, UMY2592, and strains carrying the mutant sup61 alleles (UMY2254-2257)+ Synthetic lethal screen and cloning of the sup61 1 gene…”