The paper presents an implementation and numerical study of the nonlinear optimal-based vibration control solutions for the full-scale TLP – NREL 5MW wind turbine tower-nacelle model with an MR-damper-based 10 ton tuned vibration absorber (TVA) located at the nacelle, under excessive wave/wind polyperiodic excitations yielding continual transient vibration states. The MR damper operates simultaneously with an electromagnetic force actuator (forming a hybrid TVA), or independently (a semiactive TVA). The study includes both actuators’ nonlinearities and dynamics, whereby the former are embedded in the Hamilton-principle-based nonlinear control solutions. As a reference, the structure model with a passive TVA, with a modified ground-hook control law, and without any vibration reduction solutions is used. The TVA was tuned either to the NREL 5MW tower-nacelle 1st bending mode frequency (TVA-TN) or to the TLP surge frequency (TVA-TLP). The optimal control task, redeveloped here with regard to the TVA stroke amplitude minimisation, including the implementation of the protected structure’s acceleration (control case III / III-H) and relative displacement terms as well as nonzero velocity term in the quality index, is stated and solved, yielding optimal-based control propositions for both the MR damper current and the actuator force. On the basis of the obtained results, the TVA-TN solution is by far superior to the TVA-TLP one regarding the tower deflection amplitude / root-mean-square (RMS) and TVA stroke amplitude values. All the regarded TVA-TN solutions provide tower deflection safety factor of ca. 2, while a structure without any vibration reduction solutions or with a TVA tuned to the TLP surge frequency (especially passive and hybrid TVA-TLPs) are at risk of tower structural failure. The obtained TVA stroke amplitudes are reduced with regard to the previously developed approaches. Moreover, these reductions are obtained due to the sole control algorithm enhancement; thus, no additional resources are necessary, while this attainment is accompanied with a reduction in the MR damper force that is necessary for the TVA operation. The protected structure’s acceleration term utilisation produce the TVA stroke amplitude reduction more efficiently than the TVA relative displacement term usage, as in the previously developed approach (the latter being ineffective for the semiactive TVA implementation) which, in turn, efficiently reduces TVA stroke RMS values and the required mean actuator power for the hybrid TVA implementation. Concerning the limited TVA stroke, the most favourable vibration control solutions are the newly introduced semiactive control case III, providing favourable cumulative primary structure deflection indexes at the lowest obtained TVA travel distance, and possibly the hybrid control case III-H, providing even more favourable primary structure deflection qualities and reduced nacelle acceleration levels thanks to the utilisation of the force actuator of the relatively low power (ca. 6 kW); however, side effect of the latter is the increased TVA stroke amplitude as for all hybrid solutions tested (comparing to semiactive solutions). The analysed passive TVA systems along with the modified ground-hook hybrid TVA solution, utilising the assumed absorber mass, can hardly be implemented in the nacelle, especially along the demanding side-side direction, without enforcing end-stop collision bumpers, which result in the efficiency deterioration. The ground-hook control, well proven for the primary structure steady-state deflection minimisation, yielded unsatisfactory results, comparing to the newly implemented solutions. The results of the current study may be used during the design of the full-scale vibration reduction system for the real-world NREL 5MW-class floating, TLP-based, wind turbine structure.