We consider the ground-state phase diagram of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 XXZ chain with spatially modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the presence of applied along with the ẑ axis alternating magnetic field. The model is studied using the continuum-limit bosonization approach and the finite system exact numerical technique. In the absence of the magnetic field, the groundstate phase diagram of the model includes besides the ferromagnetic and gapless Luttiger-Liquid (LL) phases two gapped phases, the composite (C1) phase characterized by the coexistence of the long-range-ordered (LRO) alternating dimerization and the spin chirality patterns, and the composite (C2) phase characterized in addition to the coexisting spin dimerization and alternating chirality patterns, by the presence of LRO antiferromagnetic order. In the case of two-letter gapped phases, in the case of a uniform magnetic field, the commensurate-incommensurate type quantum phase transitions (QPT) from a gapful phase into the gapless phase have been identified and described using the bosonization treatment and finite chain exact diagonalizations studies. The upper critical magnetic field corresponding to the transition into a fully polarized state has been also determined. It has been shown that the very presence of the staggered component of the magnetic field vapes out the composite (C1) in favour of the composite gapped (C2) phase.