The sex pheromone of Mnesampela privata, an endemic pest of Eucalyptus plantations in Australia, was previously identified as a single bioactive compound, (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene (C19 triene). Initial field testing of lures containing 1 mg, 5 mg or 10 mg of C19 triene (>98% purity) caught no or very few male M. privata. (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-Henicosatriene (C21 triene) was identified as an additional minor pheromone component in abdominal tip extracts of M. privata females from Tasmania. Levels of both compounds extracted from individual females varied greatly, but the ratio was relatively constant at 33:1 C19:C21 trienes. Electroantennograms (EAG) of synthetic C21 triene with male M. privata gave positive but consistently lower responses than elicited by the C19 triene. Field tests showed that the addition of 1-6% C21 triene to 1 mg C19 triene significantly increased trap catch and the detection of M. privata in plantations. Traps baited with a 16:1 ratio caught significantly more moths than those baited with a ratio approximating that of females.