Somatic manifestations of mental illness sometimes occur in patients presenting to hand specialists. These conversion disorders can also occur in groups, a phenomenon known as “mass psychogenic illness.” The increasing penetrance of the Internet and social media in modern society has greatly facilitated the interaction of patients with others with similar disorders. One example relevant to hand surgery is “Morgellons disease,” a disorder popularized in 2002 and characterized by a firm belief in foreign material extruding from the skin, leading to nonhealing, self-inflicted ulcerations and excoriations. A series of 4 patients collected through an informal survey of hand surgeons regarding experience with Morgellons disease is reviewed and discussed. All patients in the series presented with a chief complaint of foreign material extruding from the hand. In 1 case, the complaint was made by a young patient’s mother. In none of the patients were foreign bodies identified, although 2 patients demonstrated significant ulcerations and scars from self-excoriation. Three patients had a somatic condition affecting the hand or upper extremity, 1 directly related to self-excoriation and 2 unrelated. Treatments, workups, and ultimate outcomes varied among patients. Patients presenting with Morgellons disease often undergo multiple unnecessary tests and are at risk of inappropriate procedures. It is therefore important that providers have a compassionate understanding of the involved psychology. Herein, we offer an approach to the recognition of and treatment strategies for these patients.