Irrigation in soilless culture is generally managed by taking into account the air-illed porosity and water availability of the growing medium for plants, which are determined before culture from the water retention curve. However, many factors can affect the physical properties during the growth period and then lead to poor irrigation. This study aimed to analyze the combined effects of root development and irrigation management on the hydraulic properties of organic media and their consequences for water and air availability for the root system with time. A culture of Radrazz Rosa ´hybrida was performed with four different materials (peat, pine bark, coir, and wood iber) during 6 mo in a greenhouse, with the most common irrigation management between −1 and −10 kPa. Root volume, total volume, air and water retention properties, saturated hydraulic conductivity, relative gas diffusivity, and wettability of each growing medium were measured at the beginning and the end of the experiment. The study showed different physical behaviors for the growing media in terms of air and water retention but mainly highlighted decreases in total volume, pore tortuosity, and wettability and an increase in gas diffusion as the common and most relevant parameters inluencing their evolution with time.Abbreviations: AFP, air-illed porosity; EAW, easily available water.Investments in the horticultural industry (greenhouse, growing media, fertilizer, recycling system, heating, etc.) are generally expensive, and crop failures can lead to severe inancial losses for growers. he main reason for such failure, as noted by experts and producers, is faulty irrigation management of the growing medium, which can lead to ʶ root asphyxia, nutrient leaching (and then pollution), and risks for plant health with the development of pathogens due to excessive irrigation ʶ poor rewetting of the growing medium (with risks of hydrophobicity) and plant physiological stress (nutrient deiciency) under the driest conditions and then a deterioration of plant yield and quality. Knowing these risks, producers generally use coarse growing media with excessive fertigation to avoid water and nutrient stress for the plant (Raviv and Lieth, 2008).