Students' pragmatic deficit is closely related students' language impairment due to the lack of innate ability to interact emotionally with other. It can be found in teacher-students interaction. This study attempts to illuminate the students' pragmatic deficit in classroom discourse. The participant of this study is a male student of autism center in East Java, Indonesia. The qualitative approach is applied in this study to portray how the student carries out their pragmatic deficit in classroom discourse. The findings reveal that student encounters pragmatic deficit in language acquisition process. He gets pragmatic deficit in interacting with their teacher. In classroom discourse, the pragmatic deficit of an autistic child is impaired in his speech acts and conversational breakdowns. The findings can enrich teachers' or practitioners' knowledge in providing meaningful learning for students in classroom discourse. The further study on students' pragmatic deficit should explore on the way of overcoming students' pragmatic deficit in classroom discourse by applying appropriate interventions.