In the mammalian retina, excitatory and inhibitory circuitries enable retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to signal the occurrence of visual features to higher brain areas. This functionality disappears in certain diseases of retinal degeneration because of the progressive loss of photoreceptors. Recent work in a mouse model of retinal degeneration (rd1) found that, although some intraretinal circuitry is preserved and RGCs maintain characteristic physiological properties, they exhibit increased and aberrant rhythmic activity. Here, extracellular recordings were made to assess the degree of aberrant activity in adult rd1 retinas and to investigate the mechanism underlying such behavior. A multi-transistor array with thousands of densely packed sensors allowed for simultaneous recordings of spiking activity in populations of RGCs and of local field potentials (LFPs). The majority of identified RGCs displayed rhythmic (7-10 Hz) but asynchronous activity. The spiking activity correlated with the LFPs, whichreflectanaveragesynchronizedexcitatoryinputtotheRGCs.LFPsinitiatedfromrandompositionsandpropagatedacrosstheretina.They disappeared when ionotrophic glutamate receptors or electrical synapses were blocked. They persisted in the presence of other pharmacological blockers, including TTX and inhibitory receptor antagonists. Our results suggest that excitation-transmitted laterally through a network of electrically coupled interneurons-leads to large-scale retinal network oscillations, reflected in the rhythmic spiking of most rd1 RGCs. This result may explain forms of photopsias reported by blind patients, while the mechanism involved should be considered in future treatment strategies targeting the disease of retinitis pigmentosa.