Public participation adds more information to the decision-making process, such as scientifi c or technical knowledge, knowledge of the context in which decisions are implemented, history, and personalities. Citizen participation is an important criterion for sustainable urban transportation planning. Citizens should be able to express their concerns and opinions while also contributing creative and innovative transportation solutions. As a result, the study's goal was to determine what types of mobility solutions are required to make the case area more adaptable to green micro mobility by using citizen participation methods. The primary methodology for this study is a digital survey that was created in the Nettskjema platform in both Norwegian and English. It started with a brief description of the case study and the study's objectives. The investigation is being carried out in response to the following research question: "What types of participation methods/strategies are required to ensure that "all" needs are met in the transformation of the urban development area?" Quantitative and qualitative results are the two perspectives from which the results are presented. Based on the fi ndings, stakeholder engagement activities that were expertly moderated cultivated goodwill and trust. This made it possible for interested parties to offer their invaluable expertise to help the city's traffi c and mobility policy. The study advances our knowledge of the variables affecting commuters' desire to participate in mobility-related projects.