Semantic segmentation aims to robustly predict coherent class labels for entire regions of an image. It is a scene understanding task that powers real-world applications (e.g., autonomous navigation). One important application, the use of imagery for automated semantic understanding of pedestrian environments, provides remote mapping of accessibility features in street environments. This application (and others like it) require detailed geometric information of geographical objects. Semantic segmentation is a prerequisite for this task since it maps contiguous regions of the same class as single entities. Importantly, semantic segmentation uses like ours are not pixelwise outcomes; however, most of their quantitative evaluation metrics (e.g., mean Intersection Over Union) are based on pixelwise similarities to a ground-truth, which fails to emphasize overand under-segmentation properties of a segmentation model. Here, we introduce a new metric to assess region-based overand under-segmentation. We analyze and compare it to other metrics, demonstrating that the use of our metric lends greater explainability to semantic segmentation model performance in real-world applications.