Most genetic networks, such as that for the biological clock, are part of much larger modules controlling fundamental processes in the cell, such as metabolism, development, and response to environmental signals. For example, the biological clock is part of a much larger network controlling the circadian rhythms of about 2418 distinct genes in the genome (with 11 000 genes) of the model system, Neurospora crassa. Predicting and understanding the dynamics of all of these genes and their products in a genetic network describing how the clock functions is a challenge and beyond the current capability of the fastest serial computers. We have implemented a novel variable-topology supernet ensemble method using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to fit and discover a regulatory network of unknown topology composed of 2418 genes describing the entire clock circadian network, a network that is found in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans, by harnessing the power of the general-purpose graphics processing unit and exploiting the hierarchical structure of that genetic network. The result is the construction of a genetic network that explains mechanistically how the biological clock functions in the filamentous fungus N. crassa and is validated against over 31 000 data points from microarray experiments. Two transcription factors are identified targeting ribosome biogenesis in the clock network.INDEX TERMS Biological clock, general-purpose graphical processing unit, ensemble method, supernet, systems biology, and regulatory network topologies. VOLUME 3, 2015 2169-3536 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. 28 VOLUME 3, 2015 A. Al-Omari et al.: Discovering Regulatory Network Topologies Using Ensemble Methods on GPGPUsFIGURE 3.The simplest model is one in which all 2,418 genes are regulated by one transcription factor, WCC. Molecular species (i.e., reactants or products) in the network are represented by boxes. The white-collar-1 (wc-1), white-collar-2 (wc-2), frequency (frq), and clock controlled gene (ccg) gene symbols are sometimes superscripted 0, 1, r 0 , r 1 , indicating, respectively, a transcriptionally inactive (0) or active (1) gene or a translationally inactive (r 0 ) or active (r 1 ) mRNA. The notational convention for protein species is all capitals. A phot (box in yellow) symbolizes the photon species. Reactions in the network are represented by circles. Arrows pointing to circles identify reactants; arrows leaving circles identify products; and bi-directional arrows identify catalysts. The labels on each reaction, such as S 4 , also double as the rate coefficients for each reaction. Reactions with an A or B label are either activation or deactivation reactions. Reactions labeled with an S, L, or D represent transcription, translation, or degradation reactions, respectivel...