Monkeypox virus
(MPXV) infection confirmation needs reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays; in addition, viral clade attribution is a key factor in containment measures, considering a more severe syndrome in clade I and the possibility of simultaneous circulation. This study evaluates the performance of all-in-one STANDARD M10 MPX/OPX (SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea – M10). Frozen samples from 205 subjects were selected and stratified according to routine test results (RealStar® Orthopoxvirus PCR Kit 1.0, Altona DIAGNOTICS, Germany – RS; RS-1): in detail, 100 negative skin lesions (SL) and 200 positive samples at the variable stage of infection were analysed. Positive samples were retested with RS (RS-2). Positive and Negative Percent Agreements (PPA, NPA) were calculated. The median (IQR)
values of RS and M10 (OPXV target) assays were highly similar. The PPA of M10 compared to RS-1 was 89.5% considering system interpretation, and 96.0% when the operator classified results as positive if any target was detected; NPA was 100%. Comparing the RS-2 run and M10, an overall concordance of 95.3% between assays was found; however, considering operator interpretation, M10 returned more positive results than RS-2. The occurrence of False-Negative results was likely associated with the influence of thawing on low viral concentration; no False-Positive tests were observed. All samples collected at the time of Mpox diagnosis were positive and M10 correctly attributed the clade (West-Africa/II). The M10 MPX/OPX assay demonstrated high reliability in confirming MPXV infection and clade attribution.