Using forensic soil science and forensic geology as trace evidence and searches for burials is the theme of the papers in this Special Publication. The concept and design of this volume was initially established by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG), which successfully brought together forensic geologists, forensic soil scientists, police and law enforcement in the investigation of crimes. In this introductory paper a brief overview is provided of the developments in interdisciplinary knowledge exchange with use of soil and geological materials (known as “earth materials”) in the search for burials and the provision of trace evidence. The aim is to provide background information on the role and value of understanding ‘Earth materials’ ranging from the landscape scale, to the crime scene through to microscopic scale investigations to support law enforcement agencies in solving criminal, environmental, serious and organised crime, and terrorism. In this connection, recent advances in field and laboratory methods are highlighted. Finally, the 20 papers in the volume are briefly introduced and these include a diversity of global operational case studies that involve collection and analysis of Earth material from crime scenes and searches for homicide graves and other buried targets.