Recently, type 2 degenerate Euler polynomials and type 2 q-Euler polynomials were studied, respectively, as degenerate versions of the type 2 Euler polynomials as well as a q-analog of the type 2 Euler polynomials. In this paper, we consider the type 2 degenerate q-Euler polynomials, which are derived from the fermionic p-adic q-integrals on Z p , and investigate some properties and identities related to these polynomials and numbers. In detail, we give for these polynomials several expressions, generating function, relations with type 2 q-Euler polynomials and the expression corresponding to the representation of alternating integer power sums in terms of Euler polynomials. One novelty about this paper is that the type 2 degenerate q-Euler polynomials arise naturally by means of the fermionic p-adic q-integrals so that it is possible to easily find some identities of symmetry for those polynomials and numbers, as were done previously.