This paper evaluates the strategy of including community participation in health care and health promotion programs, taking into account three dimensions: the pertinence of the practice, the characteristics of its implementation, and the results generated by it. After doing a critical review of the bibliography on the issue, we came to the conclusion that many heterogeneous programs are grouped under the term "community participation". This requires a specification of what king of community participation is being talked about. As a consequence, the study proposes a classification of the different practices grouped under this heading. The following criteria were used in the classification: 1) theoretical and ideological conceptions underlying the practice of community participation; 2) aspects to be implemented and subjects to be influenced by intervention; and 3) forms that community participation takes in practice. The study also analyzes the articulation between these three aspects. Finally, the role of social research and qualitative methodology in the implementation of community participation for health care programs is considered. The study also considers challenges that overall proposals must face in order for strategies to develop successfully, beyond their differences in conception and implementation. Key words: Consumer Participation; Health Promotion INTRODUCCIÓN La inclusión de la participación comunitaria en los programas de salud no es una práctica novedosa. Implica la incorporación de la población o de sectores de ella, en grados y formas variables, a alguna actividad específica relacionada con la salud. Sin embargo, al igual que otros conceptos, el de "participación comunitaria" no denota siempre al mismo objeto. Revisando la literatura sobre el tema, encontramos que bajo el mismo nombre se incluyen: 1) distintas concepciones sobre el sentido de la incorporación de la comunidad en el diseño y desarrollo de programas de salud, y 2) distintas formas y niveles en los que la participación comunitaria se lleva a cabo.Ambos aspectos, como luego trataremos de demostrar, están íntimamente relacionados.
EL SENTIDO DE LA PARTICIPACIÓN COMUNITARIALas posiciones acerca e la inclusión de la participación comunitaria en los programas de salud son diversas e, inclusive, contradictorias.