Abstract. Voltage-gated sodium channels are essential for generation and propagation of the action potential mainly in nerve and muscle cells. Causative variants in SCN1A gene which codes the main, pore-forming subunit of the channel expressed in central nervous system are associated predominantly with Dravet syndrome (DS), as well as with generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) making it one of the most significant epilepsy gene. Our goal was to determine whether SCN1A screening is relevant in patients with a broad range of epileptic syndromes. 52 patients diagnosed with DS, GEFS+ or similar types of epileptic syndromes were included. Sequencing of the protein-coding parts of the gene complemented with MLPA analysis was carried out. One already described nonsense variant, four novel protein truncating variants and a deletion encompassing the whole SCN1A gene were revealed, all in heterozygous state. All identified variants were found in DS patients with 85.7% sensitivity, thus supporting the role of profound SCN1A gene variants in etiology of DS phenotype. No causative variants were identified in any of non-DS epileptic patients in our cohort, suggesting a minor, but not irrelevant role for SCN1A in patients with other types of childhood epilepsy.