The absence of spontaneous pubertal development characterized idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) as a result of low levels of sex steroids and gonadotropins with normal pituitary function. An 18-year-old man came to the Andrology Poly of RSUD Dr Soetomo with complaints that his penis was small. After being examined, the result showed that he had pitched voice, lipomastia, penis length 4.5 cm, penis circumference 4 cm, and found coronal hypospadias. There was no publicity yet. The size of the right and left testes was ± 1cc with a supple consistency and was inside the scrotum. Karyotyping result was 46, XY. The result of the hormone indicated that the FSH, LH and testosterone levels were low. The results of testicular ultrasound showed that the right and left testes in the scrotum and on abdominal ultrasound had no visible picture of the uterus. The patient was diagnosed with IHH with coronal hypospadias. The patient was given counselling, information and education about the disease he suffered, a therapy plan to be given, and the need to make lifestyle modifications. This case report describes the clinical presentation of a male patient with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.