This article presents a subcarrier allocation scheme based on a Blotto game (SABG) for orthogonal frequencydivision multiple access (OFDMA) networks where correlation between adjacent subcarriers is considered. In the proposed game, users simultaneously compete for subcarriers using a limited budget. In order to win as many good subcarriers as possible in this game, users are required to wisely allocate their budget. Efficient power and budget allocation strategies are derived for users for obtaining optimal throughput. By manipulating the total budget available for each user, competitive fairness can be enforced for the SABG. In addition, the conditions to ensure the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium (NE) for the SABG are also established. An lowcomplexity algorithm that ensures convergence to NE is proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed lowcomplexity SABG can allocate resources fairly and efficiently for both uncorrelated and correlated fading channels.