“…A key point implicit in these six core competencies is that leadership is developed not only through the formal training of leadership courses, but, like a number of studies, draws attention to the importance of informal experiential learning, mentoring and job shadowing in developing leadership capabilities (Hassan, Dellow, and Jackson 2010;McNair, Duree, and Ebbers 2011;Romano, Townsend, and Mamiseishvili 2009). Much of the literature in the last few years has focused on these six core competencies which have been well-accepted (Duree and Ebbers Research in Post-Compulsory Education 405 2012; Hassan, Dellow, and Jackson 2010;Haynes 2009;McPhail, Robinson, and Scott 2008;Sinady, Floyd, and Mulder 2010;Romano, Townsend, and Mamiseishvili 2009;Wallin 2012).…”