approximations can provide a more accurate representation
of challenging electronic excitations by enabling relaxation of the
electron density. While state-specific wave functions are known to
be local minima or saddle points of the approximate energy, the global
structure of the exact electronic energy remains largely unexplored.
In this contribution, a geometric perspective on the exact electronic
energy landscape is introduced. On the exact energy landscape, ground
and excited states form stationary points constrained to the surface
of a hypersphere, and the corresponding Hessian index increases at
each excitation level. The connectivity between exact stationary points
is investigated, and the square-magnitude of the exact energy gradient
is shown to be directly proportional to the Hamiltonian variance.
The minimal basis Hartree–Fock and excited-state mean-field
representations of singlet H
(STO-3G) are then used to
explore how the exact energy landscape controls the existence and
properties of state-specific approximations. In particular, approximate
excited states correspond to constrained stationary points on the
exact energy landscape, and their Hessian index also increases for
higher energies. Finally, the properties of the exact energy are used
to derive the structure of the variance optimization landscape and
elucidate the challenges faced by variance optimization algorithms,
including the presence of unphysical saddle points or maxima of the