In recent years, due to the natural population growth and immigration, demand for houses in many of the large cities has risen. In spite of the fact that there are lots of lands which are abandoned or occupied with inappropriate uses as worn out texture in down towns, large cities have the problem of physical disintegration and unplanned development towards farming lands and suburb gardens which will result in huge unsustainability in different dimensions including economic, social, physical and environmental. Using the potentials of worn out textures in down towns is one of the solutions, which has been noted in literature of infill city developments in recent years in order to achieve a sustainable development. In this research, potentials of worn out texture of the city of Isfahan as a sustainable approach for future development have been investigated and some solutions have been suggested in order to have an optimal guidance which is based on regeneration of worn out textures. Methodology of the research is descriptive and analytic and is identically practical. The data have been gathered through librarian references, observation and questioners. After it, the area of worn out texture in down town was calculated and then through using clustering model, the number of houses needed in the city of Isfahan in the year 2025 was estimated. The results of the research indicate that in inner city context of Isfahan, due to the existence of the worn out textures, providing house is approachable and worn out texture regeneration can be considered as a sustainable approach for future urban development.