Interferon-alpha (IFN-␣) or CD80 transduction of tumor of IFN-␣ and Neo cells or CD80 and Neo cells led to tumors cells individually reduces tumorigenicity and enhances associated with progressive growth. Induction of long-lastantitumor responses. Here, we report that the combination ing tumor immunity against WT tumor cells was demonof IFN-␣ and CD80 cancer gene therapy in poorly immunostrated by rejection of a subsequent rechallenge in 10 of genic murine tumor models, the colorectal adenocarcin-13 (MC38) and six of seven (MCA205) tumor-free mice. oma cell line MC38, and the methylcholanthrene-inducedThe therapeutic efficacy with established WT MC38 tumors fibrosarcoma cell line MCA205 reduces tumor growth more was shown when mice were treated with a vaccine conefficiently without affecting in vitro growth. Wild-type (WT), sisting of repetitive injections of IFN-␣-and CD80-transneomycin-resistance (Neo) gene-, or CD80-transduced duced MC38 cells into the contralateral flank (P Ͻ 0.
01). tumor cells grew progressively in all immunocompetentThis treatment was associated with accumulation of CD4 + , mice. In contrast, IFN-␣-transduced MC38 or MCA205 CD8 + cells and dendritic cells within the established tumor, cells were rejected in 13 of 15 and seven of 15 mice, demonstrating induction of antitumor immune responses. respectively. Synergistic effects were observed when Combination gene therapy using IFN-␣ and CD80 is IFN-␣-and CD80-transduced tumor cells were mixed and an effective immune therapy of cancer and could be inoculated. These admixed cells were rejected by 14 of 15 considered for clinical trials. (MC38) or seven of 15 mice (MCA205), whereas, a mixture